Drivers Ed 4.02 Assignment Answers
1. Gravity- A invisible force that an astronomical object exerts on its surface.
2. Inertia-The property of a body by which it remains at rest or continues moving until affected by another force.
3. Potential Energy-The energy that a body or system has stored because of its position
4. Kinetic Energy- The energy a body or system has because it is moving.
5. Friction- Resistance encountered by a moving object in contact with another object.
6. Traction-The adhesive friction between a moving object and the surface on which it is moving. Module 4 – Signs, Signals & Pavement Markings
1.Explain the purpose of the following in complete sentence answers, using proper spelling and grammar:
A. Broken yellow lines indicate:
Broken yellow lines indicate passing zones for vehicles traveling on a two way, traffic opposing each other road.
B.Yellow lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow: The side of the road with the solid yellow line facing it is a no-passing zone, while the opposite side of the road, with the broken yellow line facing it, passing is allowed.
C.Broken white lines indicate:
The white line means traffic in both lanes is traveling in the same direction. The broken lines indicate that drivers may change lanes.
2.Observe and describe the different signs in YOUR city. Give specific examples of each (include color, shape, what the sign is for, etc.). Write in complete sentences, using proper spelling and grammar. A.A regulatory sign- It's a no u-turn sign. indicates that you cannot make a u turn where that sign is posted. helps to regulate traffic.
B.A motorist services sign- A sign indicates what services are off that exit for people driving motor vehicles. usually are blue.
C.A recreational sign- Indicates where you are permitted to do something. Or where..
Classwork to be done on the days you are not driving:
There will be other classwork assigned to you for days you are notdriving. This is only the work from your driver education text book.
If you would like a different way to demonstrate you have read andunderstand the questions asked of you from our book here’s one alternative way:you can make a powerpoint or other presentation that addresses every questionassigned in each chapter. If you are interested in this option please schedulea time to meet with me so we can discuss it. Deadlines remain the same nomatter what pathway you choose.
Due Date | Assignment: PLEASE Read what the assignment is carefully. It is not the same for each chapter |
Sept 3rd Thurs | Chapter 2
Sept 10 Thurs | Chapter 3p. 57. #: 1-14 (Remember put questions into your own words.)
Sept 21 | Chapter 4 p.85 # 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12AND p. 87 1-3 AND Chapter 5 p.105 Review Questions 1-13
Spet 28 | Chapter 6 p.125 # 1-11 and p.127 Pictures 3 & 4
Oct 5th | This is a big week. Be sure you use all of your time on your non driving days.
p. 169 # 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14
Oct 12 | Chapter 9 p.191 # 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10 AND: Answer this question: What is the point of the graph on p.185. Why would I want you to understand that? Please explain. AND Chapter 10 p 217 #1-3 and #5-15 and answer this question: What is the following distance that I have told you is correct? What does the book say about following distance? Which is correct and why? p 219 #1-4 pictures
Oct 19 |
AND Chapter 12 p. 263 # 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 AND p. 265 # 1-4 |
Oct 26 | Chapter 13 P 285 # 1-12 p 287 #1-4 Chapter 14 p.309 #1-9 AND p. 311 #2, #4
Nov 2 |
Nov 9 |
Nov 16 |
Dec 7 |
Dec 14 |
Jan 4th | Check Google Classroom for any additional assignments. |
•Once driving begins classroom sessions willnormally meet on Mondays and you will drive in a group of four once a week.
•The other three days you are not in class ordriving you need to take the time to do your drive education homework and projects. Late assignments willnot be tolerated since you have three days, 4 extra hours, to get weeklyassignments done.
Where to go on off daysfrom class or driving:
•You are assigned a room to be in during the daysyou are not driving our in class. You must stay in that area on the days youare not driving for emergency purposes. I also must be able to find you if Ineed to drive on a day in place of someone else. If you are not mature andresponsible enough to stay where you are supposed to be during these times thatindicates to me you are not mature or responsible enough to have a license. Ifyou are found in places where you are not assigned you may lose the privilegeto be in the class or may have other consequences such as no or delayedpermission to get a license. Rememberwhen you are not in Driver Education you should be working on driver Ed. classworkassigned to you.
Responsible Behavior:
•Driving is one of the most matureresponsibilities you will learn in your lifetime.
• Demonstration of immature, irresponsible orrule breaking behaviors are indicators a student is not ready to receive alicense. Because of this, a high level of maturity and responsibility must bedemonstrated in all areas of student life in order to get permission from theteacher to get a license at the end of the semester.
•Studentswho break rules, laws, or policies of the community, school, town, or United Statesmay be dropped from the course or not be given final permission from the drivereducation teacher to get a driver’s license.
Becausethe state of Vermont requires a certain amount of hours of driving and in classinstruction, there is not an option of missing hours of class and driving hoursand letting it go. If a student knows s/he is going to be absent on acertain date, s/he must arrange to switch driving days with another driver. Family vacations, planned stay-at-homedays, trips to go shopping, are all examples of unexcused absences.Please schedule doctor’s/ dentistappointments on days when you do not have class or driving. (That is threedays/week.)Written permission to get a driver’s license will not be issued tostudents with missing classes and missed state mandated hours. If astudent is absent on a driving day another student may be called down to drivein her/his place. Note to students: If you get called down to drive on a daywhen it is not your turn, you are expected to show up and be part of thatdriving group for that day. Do not save work that is due in other classes as anexcuse for not being able to drive.
DO NOT COME TO CLASS OR TO DRIVING SICK.The car is small and germs spread easily in that environment. Keep everyoneelse from getting sick by NOT coming during those times. Make up the time whenyou get back. There is not an option of making hours up after or before school.This must be made up by switching drivers.
If a classroom day is missed due to illness orother excused absences upon the first day of returning from anabsence, it is the responsibility of the student to confer with the teacher todetermine the work that needs to be made up. Because I do not have callbacks,after school is the only time I am available for missed classes (not driving).
UnexcusedAbsence: Parents and students must be aware that an unexcused absence mayresult in immediate course failure. An unexcused absence is an absence from anyphase of DE where the student has not presented a valid excuse as noted in theabove section or the teacher has determined the absence was not a valid excusedabsence. Being removed from this or anyclass for disciplinary measures or cutting class count as unexcused absences.
To Pass Driver Education students are required to meet performance standards both academicallyand for driving. Every performance must be met in order to ensure each studentis ready to safely drive on the road alone. All assignments in drivereducation must be passed in to receive permission to get a license at the end of the semester. The student mustalso pass the driving skills part of the class. This is usually only possible with plenty of practice (20 hours or more)outside of class. Students should have 20 hours of practice withparents/guardians by the end of the semester.
1.Testsand Quizzes count as summative assessments on what has been learned.
2.HomeworkAssignments: Text book reading assignments and Projects. Permission to geta license may not be given to students with late or missing homeworkassignments. Students who do not hand inhomework may not be able to drive in driver education. All homework mustreceive a grade of 80% or better. If a student does not receive an 80% on anassignment extra help can be given and the opportunity to increase the gradewill provided if asked for. Homework counts as written practice of conceptslearned.
3.Drivingskill and behavior. The student must be able to perform all target driving behaviorslearned to minimize risk, must demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the road, and must demonstrate a high level ofmaturity. Driving is a very mature responsibility considering motor vehiclecrashes are the leading cause of death among American teenagers, killingbetween 5,000 and 6,000 teenagers every year for the past decade (accordingto the National Highway Traffic Safety Association.)
4.Demonstrationof Personal Responsibility and Habits of Learning (includes everything that is not a content gradeparticipation, demonstration of learning, maturity and responsibility.)
5.FinalClassroom Exam: a cumulative written test at the end of the course
6.FinalIn-Vehicle Exam: cumulative based on performance of key behavioralpatterns.
Vergennes Union High School
Driver Education Contract
Students must be ableto respect and follow laws, rules, and guidelines in order to demonstrate thatthey are ready to follow motor vehicle laws. Any violation of this contractwill result in a temporary or permanent hold of the yellow card, the finalwritten permission to go get a license.
To successfully complete the Driver’s EducationProgram at Vergennes, each student must adhere to the following:
Behavior includingdrugs and alcohol:
- Must meet the Five Guidelines set forth in the student parent handbook: We are here, We are on time, We show personal integrity, We are respectful, We are kind, and We challenge ourselves.
- Must not break school, state, or federal law.
- Must not be involved in any incident involving illegal drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.
- Must accept responsibility for his/her actions during all aspects of their experience while enrolled at VUHS.
·Must demonstratea high level of maturity when discussing and performing activities related todriving in our community.
·Must know andobey motor vehicle laws and rules.
·Must be wherethey are assigned on nondriving days. (No wandering the halls or moving to newlocation without permission from the driver education teacher).
Driving Skills:
- Must meet the standards for safe driving skills and behaviors as determined by the driver education teacher.
Driving and Classhours:
Must attend and participate in a minimum of:
Thirty (30) clock hours of classroominstruction.
Six (6) clock hours of documenteddriving instruction with the Driver Education teacher.
Six (6) clock hours of documentedobservation with other students.
Allclasses missed must be made up. Attendance is mandatory for the entire 36hours! Failure to attend each classroom session and driving sessions mayresult in failure of the course. If a classroom day is missed due to illness orother excused absences upon the first day of returning from an absence, it isthe responsibility of the student to confer with the teacher to determine thework that needs to be made up.
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Record the completion of the 20 hoursof driving with a parent and or guardian in a Vermont State driving log.
- Must complete and receive an 80% or better on all homework assignments, quizzes, exams and other assignments in Driver’s Education. Help is always available and most assignments and tests can be retaken if necessary.
- Must possess and maintain a VALID Vermont Learner’s permit during the time of enrollment in Driver Education.
·In addition theteacher must have confidence that the student is able to safely drive on theroadways alone.
Failure to completeany one or a part of these expectations will result in failure to pass thedriver’s education and/or a withholding of the yellow card (permission to get alicense.)
Violations of the five guidelines will result in withholdingthe yellow card for one, three or six months once the students would have been eligible to get a license.For egregious violations the card will be held for six months or not be issuedat all. If a decision is made to hold or not issue a card it will be at thedetermination of the driver education teacher and administration. The studentwhose card is held for a period of time will only be given that card once thetime period is up if a plan for positive behavior is made and has been followedduring the months it was held. All drug and alcohol related violations willresult in a three to six month hold or anon-issuance of the yellow card, and students in violation of the drug oralcohol agreement will be referred to the Student Assistance Professional.
I HAVE RECEIVED,READ, UNDERSTAND, AND AGREE to this Driver Education Contract. I have readthe attached letter and understand the expectations for my son/ daughter.
SIGNATURE OFSTUDENT___________________________________DATE_______
SIGNATURE OF PARENT/GUARDIAN_________________________DATE:______